Grammar2Choose the Gerund, the Present Participle or the Infinitive withor without ‘to’ to open the brackets and complete the sentences.1 I have stopped … (read) the Daily Sketch and have decided …(read) the Daily Mirror instead.2 Do you enjoy … (look) at these strip cartoons?3 Try … (solve) the puzzle in yesterday’s paper without … (look) atthe answers in today’s paper.4 Do you remember… (see) an advertisement for the new Fordcars in yesterday’s paper?5 Did you remember … (buy) a copy of the Star on your way home?6 I saw a man … (stand) at the street corner … (sell) newspapers.7 Please let me … (help) you … (solve) that puzzle.w Your Engli​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Choose the Gerund, the Present Participle or the Infinitive with
or without ‘to’ to open the brackets and complete the sentences.
1 I have stopped … (read) the Daily Sketch and have decided …
(read) the Daily Mirror instead.
2 Do you enjoy … (look) at these strip cartoons?
3 Try … (solve) the puzzle in yesterday’s paper without … (look) at
the answers in today’s paper.
4 Do you remember… (see) an advertisement for the new Ford
cars in yesterday’s paper?
5 Did you remember … (buy) a copy of the Star on your way home?
6 I saw a man … (stand) at the street corner … (sell) newspapers.
7 Please let me … (help) you … (solve) that puzzle.
w Your Engli​

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. reading — to read

2. looking

3. solving — looking

4. seeing

5. to buy

6. standing — selling

7. help — to solve


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