fill — satisfy “fill”— suggests adequacy but no more. «satisfy»~ adequate response to a requirement, need or expectation, stressing its completeness. 1. The candidate … all requirements for a degree. 2. She was hired … a staff vacancy. 3. This is a film that can hardly … the expectations of the people. 4. Despite excellent recommendations she didn’t … our expectations. 5. He … the post satisfactorily and performs the duties well.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

fill — satisfy
“fill”— suggests adequacy but no more. «satisfy»~ adequate response to a requirement, need or expectation, stressing its completeness.

1. The candidate … all requirements for a degree. 2. She was hired … a staff vacancy. 3. This is a film that can hardly … the expectations of the people. 4. Despite excellent recommendations she didn’t … our expectations. 5. He … the post satisfactorily and performs the duties well.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1 satisfied/satisfies

2 to fill

3 satisfy

4 satisfy

5 fills

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