Fill in the missing prepositions. 1 Dolphins feed their babies… milk2 They weigh….. 70……. 500 kilos. 3 Dolphins are friendly……. people. 4 They live…… warm seas. 5 They live……about fifty years. 6 Penguins live…… the ice…… Antarctica. 7 They live….. big groups. ТЕРМІНОВО!!!!!​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Fill in the missing prepositions.
1 Dolphins feed their babies… milk
2 They weigh….. 70……. 500 kilos.
3 Dolphins are friendly……. people.
4 They live…… warm seas.
5 They live……about fifty years.
6 Penguins live…… the ice…… Antarctica.
7 They live….. big groups.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1 with 2 from/to 3 with 4in 5 for 6 /in 7 in

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