Fill in the gaps with suitable words. 1 In some high countries, s… school is also known as school. 2 Some private schools in the UK are called p schools. 3 Most people in Britain g ..from university in their 20s. 6 4 Arithmetic and geometry are studied in m 5 Children learn to read and write at p school. When you complete your university studies you get a d 7 I only just p harder …the physics test. I’ll have to study next time. Did you do w in the last maths test?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Fill in the gaps with suitable words. 1 In some high countries, s… school is also known as school. 2 Some private schools in the UK are called p schools. 3 Most people in Britain g ..from university in their 20s. 6 4 Arithmetic and geometry are studied in m 5 Children learn to read and write at p school. When you complete your university studies you get a d 7 I only just p harder …the physics test. I’ll have to study next time. Did you do w in the last maths test?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1 secondary 

2 public 

3 graduate 

4 Mathematics

5 primary 

6 degree.

7 have only just prepared  for 

8  well 

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