fill in the correct tense. Use passive or active according to the context. 1-the lot of money … (spend) on weapons nowadays. 2 it’s no use trying — you … (waste) your time. 3 when she heard that her dog (kill), she burst into tears. 4 too many offices … (build) in London over the last ten years. 5- The factory … (produce) more cars this year then ever before.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

fill in the correct tense. Use passive or active according to the context. 1-the lot of money … (spend) on weapons nowadays. 2 it’s no use trying — you … (waste) your time. 3 when she heard that her dog (kill), she burst into tears. 4 too many offices … (build) in London over the last ten years. 5- The factory … (produce) more cars this year then ever before.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. A lot of money is spent on weapons nowadays.

2. It’s no use trying — you are wasting your time.

3. When she heard that her dog was killed. she …

4. Too many offices were built in London…

5. The factory has produced more cars…

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