Fill in the blanks with articles if necessary ( Proper Nouns)
1. Let’s go to ____ Bolshoi Theatre together.
2. Ben lives in ___ Fleet Street in ___ London.
3. ___ British Museum is the most famous museum in the world.
4. ____ Thames is the longest river in ___ England.
5. ___ Peter comes from ___ United States.
6. ___ Kremlin is the oldest construction in Moscow.
7. Who discovered ___ America?
8. Have you ever been to ___ USA?
9. ___ Greens live next door.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. Let’s go to __the__ Bolshoi Theatre together.
2. Ben lives in ___ Fleet Street in ___ London.
3. __

the_ British Museum is the most famous museum in the world.
4. __

the__ Thames is the longest river in ___ England.
5. ___ Peter comes from _

the__ United States.
6. _

the__ Kremlin is the oldest construction in Moscow.
7. Who discovered ___ America?
8. Have you ever been to _

the__ USA?
9. _

the__ Greens live next door.

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