fill in shell or will The children … go to the Zoo next Sunday. I … run and jump in PE lessons. He … have dinner at 4 o»clock. She … sing in Music. We … go to the church on Sunday. It … rain tomorrow.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

fill in shell or will
The children … go to the Zoo next Sunday.
I … run and jump in PE lessons.
He … have dinner at 4 o»clock.
She … sing in Music.
We … go to the church on Sunday.
It … rain tomorrow.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


The children will go to the Zoo next Sunday.

I shall run and jump in PE lessons.

He will have dinner at 4 o»clock.

She will sing in Music.

We shall go to the church on Sunday.

It will rain tomorrow.


The traditional rule is that shall is used with first person pronouns (i.e. I and we) to form the future tense, while will is used with second and third person forms (i.e. you, he, she, it, they). For example: I shall be late.

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