Directions: Make sentences with until from the given situations. 1I can’t pay my bills. I haven’t gotten my paycheck yet. I can’t pay my bills until my paycheck comes. 2We can’t leave yet. We have to wait for Carmen. ____________________until ______________________ 3Tell me the truth, or I am not going to leave this room. ____________________until ______________________ 4Finally, Kydung arrived. Before that, it had been a dull party. ____________________until_______________________ 5Dinner won’t be ready for a while. I think we should just sit here by the fire. Let’s_________________________until__________________________ 6When I got to bed at night, I like to read. After a while, I get sleepy. ______________________________until ________________________

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Directions: Make sentences with until from the given situations.

1I can’t pay my bills. I haven’t gotten my paycheck yet.
I can’t pay my bills until my paycheck comes.
2We can’t leave yet. We have to wait for Carmen.
____________________until ______________________
3Tell me the truth, or I am not going to leave this room.
____________________until ______________________
4Finally, Kydung arrived. Before that, it had been a dull party.
5Dinner won’t be ready for a while. I think we should just sit here by the fire.
6When I got to bed at night, I like to read. After a while, I get sleepy.
______________________________until ________________________

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

2. we can’t leave until Carmen comes

3. tell me the truth until I leave this room

4. kydung arrived until it had been a dull party

5. let’s sit here until dinner gets ready

6. in the bed I read until I get sleepy

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