Directions: Complete the following. Pay special attention to verb tenses.

1Last night I went to bed after I ______________________________my homework.
2To night I will go to bed after I _________________________my homework.
3Ever since I was a child, I ____________________________________ afraid of dogs.
4Jacquie’s contact lens popped out while she _____________________basket ball.
5Be sure to reread your composition for errors before you _________________ it in to the teacher tomorrow.
6By the time I left my apartment this morning, the mail carrier _________________________________ the mail.
7I have know my best friend since she _____________________________ ten years old.
8A black cat ran across the road as I ____________________________my car to work this morning.
9By the time I leave this city, I _______________________________ here for four months.
10Whenever Mark __________________________________ angry, his nose gets red.
11I ____________________________ to the beach whenever the weather was nice, but now I don’t have time to do that because I have to study.
12We will have a big party when __________________________________.
13The next time I ______________________________to Hawaii, I’m going to visit Mauna Loa, the world’s largest volcano.
14I had fired chicken the last time I ____________________________ at that restaurant.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Directions: Complete the following. Pay special attention to verb tenses.

1Last night I went to bed after I ______________________________my homework.
2To night I will go to bed after I _________________________my homework.
3Ever since I was a child, I ____________________________________ afraid of dogs.
4Jacquie’s contact lens popped out while she _____________________basket ball.
5Be sure to reread your composition for errors before you _________________ it in to the teacher tomorrow.
6By the time I left my apartment this morning, the mail carrier _________________________________ the mail.
7I have know my best friend since she _____________________________ ten years old.
8A black cat ran across the road as I ____________________________my car to work this morning.
9By the time I leave this city, I _______________________________ here for four months.
10Whenever Mark __________________________________ angry, his nose gets red.
11I ____________________________ to the beach whenever the weather was nice, but now I don’t have time to do that because I have to study.
12We will have a big party when __________________________________.
13The next time I ______________________________to Hawaii, I’m going to visit Mauna Loa, the world’s largest volcano.
14I had fired chicken the last time I ____________________________ at that restaurant.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1 Last night I went to bed after I had done my homework.
2 Tonight I will go to bed after I have done my homework.
3 Ever since I was a child, I have been afraid of dogs.
4 Jacquie’s contact lens popped out while she  was playing basketball.
5 Be sure to reread your composition for errors before you give it in to the teacher tomorrow.
6 By the time I left my apartment this morning, the mail carrier had brought the mail.
7 I have known my best friend since she was ten years old.
8 A black cat ran across the road as I was driving my car to work this morning.
9 By the time I leave this city, I shall ahve been here for four months.
10 Whenever Mark gets angry, his nose gets red.
11 I went to the beach whenever the weather was nice, but now I don’t have time to do that because I have to study.
12 We will have a big party when he comes.
13 The next time I come to Hawaii, I’m going to visit Mauna Loa, the world’s largest volcano.
14 I had fired chicken the last time I had lunch at that restaurant.

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