Complete the third conditional sentences. If you’d gone (go) out more, you’d have made (make) more friends. 1. Danny …… (not meet) the man of he ……. (stay) in his flat. 2. Paul …… (be) happy if he …. (get) the job. 3. If you …… (not say) anything. I ….. (not know).4. …… we …… (be) successful if we …… (work) harder ?5. If you …… (ask) me politely, I …. (help) you. 6. ….. Sue ….. (go) to the party if she ….. (know) about it? ​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Complete the third conditional sentences.
If you’d gone (go) out more, you’d have made (make) more friends.

1. Danny …… (not meet) the man of he ……. (stay) in his flat.
2. Paul …… (be) happy if he …. (get) the job.
3. If you …… (not say) anything. I ….. (not know).
4. …… we …… (be) successful if we …… (work) harder ?
5. If you …… (ask) me politely, I …. (help) you.
6. ….. Sue ….. (go) to the party if she ….. (know) about it?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1 wouldn’t have met- had stayed

2 would have been- had got

3 hadn’t said-wouldn’t have known

4 would you have been-had worked

5 had asked-would have helped

6 would Sue have gone-had known


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