complete the sentences with the compound nouns from exercise 1 1.honey and eggs are … 2.А … is important for your health. 3. The … needs food and water. 4. Some … , like cheese and butter, are fastening. 5. I don’t eat … , like burgers or salami. 6… need a lot of food and water. Вместо пропусков слова processed food, farm animals, balanced diet, animal products, human body, dairy products. Срочно!

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

complete the sentences with the compound nouns from exercise 1 1.honey and eggs are … 2.А … is important for your health. 3. The … needs food and water. 4. Some … , like cheese and butter, are fastening. 5. I don’t eat … , like burgers or salami. 6… need a lot of food and water.
Вместо пропусков слова processed food, farm animals, balanced diet, animal products, human body, dairy products. Срочно!

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. honey and eggs are .
animal products..
2. А .

balanced diet.. is important for your health.
3. The ..

human body. needs food and water.
4. Some .

dairy products.. , like cheese and butter, are fastening.
5. I don’t eat .

processed food.. , like burgers or salami.

farm animals. need a lot of food and water.

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