Complete The sentences with somebody something anybody anything and anywhere.2. Do you know ______ who can paint a picture?3. Did he buy ______?4. The earthquake happened _____ in Japan.5. You can’t go ______ in this rain.6. Rita found ______ beautiful on her way to school.7. Our neighbours are going _____ in the south of Italy.8. Please, don’t tell ___ .9. ______ broke the window and ran away.10. I’m not going _____.​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Complete The sentences with somebody something anybody anything and anywhere.
2. Do you know ______ who can paint a picture?
3. Did he buy ______?
4. The earthquake happened _____ in Japan.
5. You can’t go ______ in this rain.
6. Rita found ______ beautiful on her way to school.
7. Our neighbours are going _____ in the south of Italy.
8. Please, don’t tell ___ .
9. ______ broke the window and ran away.
10. I’m not going _____.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


2. Anybody

3. Anything

4. Somewhere

5. Anywhere

6. Something

7. Somewhere

8. Anybody

9. Somebody

10. Anywhere


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