Complete the sentences using the Present Continuous.1) Thanks for the invitation but I’m going shopping with my sisternext Sunday.2) I’m sorry but I plana_ (play) football with my friends tomorrow.3) I’d like to but I(do) an English course next Thursday.4) Saturday is fine. I(not/go) to school because we have a day off. 5) That sounds nice but my cousins (visit) me this evening. 6) I’m afraid I can’t make it. I (participate) in the festival next weekend. 7) I’m afraid next Monday isn’t good for me . I (meet) my friend. 8) Thursday is difficult. I (go) to the cinema tonight. 9) Next Friday suits me fine . I (no/do) anything special. Очень срочно​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Complete the sentences using the Present Continuous.
1) Thanks for the invitation but I’m going shopping with my sister
next Sunday.
2) I’m sorry but I plana_ (play) football with my friends tomorrow.
3) I’d like to but I
(do) an English course next Thursday.
4) Saturday is fine. I
(not/go) to school because we have a day off. 5) That sounds nice but my cousins (visit) me this evening. 6) I’m afraid I can’t make it. I (participate) in the festival next weekend. 7) I’m afraid next Monday isn’t good for me . I (meet) my friend. 8) Thursday is difficult. I (go) to the cinema tonight. 9) Next Friday suits me fine . I (no/do) anything special. Очень срочно​

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


2 am playing

3 am doing

4 am not going

5 is visiting

6 am participating

7 am meeting

8 am going

9 am not doing

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