Complete the sentences. Use the present
simple passive form of the verbs.
1 This book isn’t written (not write) in English.
2 Many fi lms (produce) in Hollywood.
3 The Olympic Games (not hold)
every year.
4 Chocolate (make) from cocoa
5 Thousands of Beatles CDs (sell)
every year.
6 How many cans of coke (buy)
every day?
7 How often the World
Cup (hold)?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Complete the sentences. Use the present
simple passive form of the verbs.
1 This book isn’t written (not write) in English.
2 Many fi lms (produce) in Hollywood.
3 The Olympic Games (not hold)
every year.
4 Chocolate (make) from cocoa
5 Thousands of Beatles CDs (sell)
every year.
6 How many cans of coke (buy)
every day?
7 How often the World
Cup (hold)?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Complete the sentences. Use the present

simple passive form of the verbs.

1 This book isn’t written in English.

2 Many films are produced in Hollywood.

3 The Olympic Games aren’t held every year.

4 Chocolate is made from cocoa beans.

5 Thousands of Beatles CDs are sold every year.

6 How many cans of coke are bought every day?

7 How often is the World Cup held?

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