Complete the sentences. 1 The first cake is good 2. The second cake is 3. The third cake… 1. John strong. 2.Alex is… 3. …. 1Ann is old 2.Pam is… 3. … Помгогите пажалуйста быстрей…

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Complete the sentences. 1 The first cake is good 2. The second cake is 3. The third cake… 1. John strong. 2.Alex is… 3. …. 1Ann is old 2.Pam is… 3. … Помгогите пажалуйста быстрей…

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1 The first cake is good 2. The second cake is better. 3. The third cake is the best.
1 John is strong. 2.Alex is stronger than John.3. I am the strongest.
1 Ann is old 2.Pam is older. 3.I am the oldest.

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