Choose the correct variant 1) I wish I (were/would be) in London now. 2) I wish he (came/would come) and see me some day. 3) I wish my friends (were/would be) here now. 4) I wish Ann (got/would get) well soon. 5) I wish I (were/would be) taller. 6) I wish I (didn’t have/wouldn’t have) to go to school every day. 7) I wish my parents (bought/would buy) a new car soon. 8) I wish the weather (were/would be) better today. 9) I wish I (could play/would play) the guitar. 10) I wish it (were/would be) time for lunch.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Choose the correct variant
1) I wish I (were/would be) in London now.
2) I wish he (came/would come) and see me some day.
3) I wish my friends (were/would be) here now.
4) I wish Ann (got/would get) well soon.
5) I wish I (were/would be) taller.
6) I wish I (didn’t have/wouldn’t have) to go to school every day.
7) I wish my parents (bought/would buy) a new car soon.
8) I wish the weather (were/would be) better today.
9) I wish I (could play/would play) the guitar.
10) I wish it (were/would be) time for lunch.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1) were

2) came

3) were

4) got


6)didn’t have

7) bought

8) were

9) could play

10) were

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