Choose the correct item. 1. My brother never gets/goes up at seven. 2. We usually keep food in the fridge/ bath in the kitchen. 3. Anna Kurnikova is from Russia/ Russian. 4. Maria’s favourite sport is photography/cycling. 5. It is late, go/walk to bed, please. Помогите с английским плиз)

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Choose the correct item.

1. My brother never gets/goes up at seven.
2. We usually keep food in the fridge/ bath in the kitchen.
3. Anna Kurnikova is from Russia/ Russian.
4. Maria’s favourite sport is photography/cycling.
5. It is late, go/walk to bed, please.
Помогите с английским плиз)

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. gets

2. fridge

3. Russia

4. cycling

5. go


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