Change the following sentences into Direct Speech:The teacher said that the students would read the text the next day.She asked me to buy some bread on my way home.Mike asked me if i had read Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe.I asktd Mike what had seen at the exhibition.The mother asktd Marat not to go there alone. Jack said that he often went to see.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Change the following sentences into Direct Speech:The teacher said that the students would read the text the next day.She asked me to buy some bread on my way home.Mike asked me if i had read Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe.I asktd Mike what had seen at the exhibition.The mother asktd Marat not to go there alone. Jack said that he often went to see.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Змініть наступні пропозиції в прямій мові: Учитель сказав, що студенти будуть читати текст на наступний день. Вона попросила мене купити трохи хліба по дорозі додому. Майк запитав мене, якщо я прочитав Робінзона Крузо Даніель Дефо. Я asktd Майк, що бачив на матір exhibition.The asktd Марата не ходити туди поодинці. Джек сказав, що він часто ходив дивитися.

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