An International magazine asks its readers to send in articles about their favourite sports. Write your articles (60-80 words ). Follow the plan. 1) Introduce the topic (I enjoy exercise and my favourite sports is …) 2) Write about when and where you do it, what you do, what equimpment you need 3) Why you enjoy it

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

An International magazine asks its readers to send in articles about their favourite sports. Write your articles (60-80 words ). Follow the plan.
1) Introduce the topic (I enjoy exercise and my favourite sports is …)
2) Write about when and where you do it, what you do, what equimpment you need
3) Why you enjoy it

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Hello everybody. I’m Alex Cooper. And I love sports very much . I’ve been swimming since I was 8. and it’s become a part of my life. Why do I like to play sports? Great question. My first coach is a very good teacher. And he gave me instructions not only for the sport, he was a father to me. He often gave me the right advice. Together we participated in the international swimming Olympiad. Unfortunately he went to another city and began to train others but we became best friends and not as a student and teacher but as ordinary people. And I’ve been doing it on my own ever since.

Guys, sport is life. Exercise and you will feel much better.

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