Albert Einstein ( awarded / war awarded) the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. Catholic Church (is considered / considered ) Galileo’s ideas as heresy. Complete the sentences with the appropriate modal verbs ( must, can, mustn’s, should) : 1. To protect our enviroment we ___ Destroy forests, which produce oxygen. 2. The global warning ___ lead to dramic changes in climate. 3. We ___ use less electricity and water. 4. We ___ pretect animals and plants. Put the sentences into the passive form : 1. Alex learned the poem. 2. The girl writes poems. 3. They will open a new bank.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Albert Einstein ( awarded / war awarded) the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.
Catholic Church (is considered / considered ) Galileo’s ideas as heresy.

Complete the sentences with the appropriate modal verbs ( must, can, mustn’s, should) :
1. To protect our enviroment we ___ Destroy forests, which produce oxygen.
2. The global warning ___ lead to dramic changes in climate.
3. We ___ use less electricity and water.
4. We ___ pretect animals and plants.

Put the sentences into the passive form :
1. Alex learned the poem.
2. The girl writes poems.
3. They will open a new bank.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


was awarded


1. mustn’t




1. The poem was learned by Alex.

2. The poems are written by girl.

3. A new bank will be opened

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