Упражнение 1 Сделайте данные предложения отрицательными 1. Jack has washed the dog. 2. Father has already cleaned his car. 3. Mr Snowdon has made a speech at the conference. 4. Granny has bought me some cakes. 5. They have painted their old house. 6. Liz has bought some flowers. 7. My sister has just cooked breakfast for the family. 8. The cat has already eaten fish. 9. Mrs Gracy have gone to London. 10. I have never been to India. Упражнение 2 Напишите третью форму данных глаголов. write, win, sell, try, read, play, find, visit, stop, study, die, do. Упражнение 3 Составьте вопросы по образцу, используя данные слова: (you / ever / be / to Italy) — Have you ever been to Italy? 1. You ever / be / to South America? 2. You / read / any English books? 3. You / live / in this town all your life? 4. How many times / you / be / in love? 5. What’s / the most beautiful country / you /ever / visit? 6. You ever / speak / to a famous person?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Упражнение 1
Сделайте данные предложения отрицательными
1. Jack has washed the dog. 2. Father has already cleaned his car. 3. Mr Snowdon has made a speech at the conference. 4. Granny has bought me some cakes. 5. They have painted their old house. 6. Liz has bought some flowers. 7. My sister has just cooked breakfast for the family. 8. The cat has already eaten fish. 9. Mrs Gracy have gone to London. 10. I have never been to India.

Упражнение 2
Напишите третью форму данных глаголов.
write, win, sell, try, read, play, find, visit, stop, study, die, do.

Упражнение 3
Составьте вопросы по образцу, используя данные слова: (you / ever / be / to Italy) — Have you ever been to Italy?
1. You ever / be / to South America?
2. You / read / any English books?
3. You / live / in this town all your life?
4. How many times / you / be / in love?
5. What’s / the most beautiful country / you /ever / visit?
6. You ever / speak / to a famous person?

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