Complete the story with the correct form of the word in boxes. If there is no word in the box, use the most appropriate oneHarry didn’t have a very good morning. At half past ten he (have)  to go and see the head teacher in his office. His science teacher said (that) he talk in the classroom during the lesson but actually, it was his friend, Chris. Harry didn’t (tell)  the science teacher about that. In the afternoon, Harry’s class had a history lesson. They all loved their teacher, Mrs. Norton, because she liked telling stories and always told them very  (good)  . They had a very interesting lesson about some wonderful castles around England. It was a real surprise when the teacher said, «Friends! (at) the weekend our school organises a trip to a castle. Please, (not / forget)  an umbrella. You will need it if it (rain)  .» Harry was really excited about the trip. He felt much (happy)  than in the morning.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Complete the story with the correct form of the word in boxes. If there is no word in the box, use the most appropriate one
Harry didn’t have a very good morning. At half past ten he (have)  to go and see the head teacher in his office. His science teacher said (that) he talk in the classroom during the lesson but actually, it was his friend, Chris. Harry didn’t (tell)  the science teacher about that. In the afternoon, Harry’s class had a history lesson. They all loved their teacher, Mrs. Norton, because she liked telling stories and always told them very  (good)  . They had a very interesting lesson about some wonderful castles around England. It was a real surprise when the teacher said, «Friends! (at) the weekend our school organises a trip to a castle. Please, (not / forget)  an umbrella. You will need it if it (rain)  .» Harry was really excited about the trip. He felt much (happy)  than in the morning.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Have -Had

Talk — Was talking

Tell — Didn’t tell

Good — Well

Not forget — Don’t forget

Rain — Rains

Happy — Happier

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