II. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в Past Simple
или Past Perfect.
1 When the teacher (to enter) the classroom,
the students already (to open) their books.
2 My friend (to show) me a mobile phone
which he (to buy) the day before.
3 The teacher (to understand) that John (not to prepare)
for the exam well enough.
4 We (to return) from the cinema by nine o’clock.
5 I (to do) all my work at six o’clock.
6 She said that she (to spend) her holiday in Spain.
7 Then he (to come) to the shelf, (to take) one book and (to begin) to read it.
8 I just (to find) the money I was looking for.
9 When your friend (to return) from the South? – He (to return) yesterday.
10 They (to leave) England when he (to be) a child.
11.You (to see) Peter? – I (not to see) him since last month

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

II. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в Past Simple
или Past Perfect.
1 When the teacher (to enter) the classroom,
the students already (to open) their books.
2 My friend (to show) me a mobile phone
which he (to buy) the day before.
3 The teacher (to understand) that John (not to prepare)
for the exam well enough.
4 We (to return) from the cinema by nine o’clock.
5 I (to do) all my work at six o’clock.
6 She said that she (to spend) her holiday in Spain.
7 Then he (to come) to the shelf, (to take) one book and (to begin) to read it.
8 I just (to find) the money I was looking for.
9 When your friend (to return) from the South? – He (to return) yesterday.
10 They (to leave) England when he (to be) a child.
11.You (to see) Peter? – I (not to see) him since last month

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Я правда не все знаю, и не точно. Так что, заранее извиняюсь.

5)i have doing

6)she hase just spended

10)they have leaving

Это которые в Perfect

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