We……….(decide) to go down to the river ahd have a look for ourselves.We ……. (walk) for about an hour when we finaly……….(sport) my friends cousins sitting in separate boats. As they……..(fish) all morning,they ………(catch) uite a few fish.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

We……….(decide) to go down to the river ahd have a look for ourselves.We ……. (walk) for about an hour when we finaly……….(sport) my friends cousins sitting in separate boats. As they……..(fish) all morning,they ………(catch) uite a few fish.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


  1. decided
  2. were walking
  3. spotted
  4. had been fishing
  5. caught

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