1 My friend said, “Do you live in this house?” My friend ________ if I ________ in ________ house. a) told, lived, that b) said, live, this 2 The doctor said to Nick, “Open your mouth.” The doctor ________ Nick ________ ________ mouth. a) said, to open, his b) asked, open, your 3 She said to Boris, “What will you do tomorrow?” She ________ Boris what ________ ________ do ________. a) asked, you, will, tomorrow b) asked, he, would, the next day next day 4 “You have done your work well,” the teacher said to me. The teacher ________ me that ________ ________ ________ work well. a) told, I, have done, my b) told, I, had done, my 5 Jane said, “I bought this house in 2013.” Jane ________ that ________ ________ ________ house in 2013 a) told, she, had bought, that b) said, she, bought, that this 6 The teacher said to the pupils, “The duckbill lives only in Australia”. The teacher ________ the pupils that the duckbill ________ only in Australia. a) told, lives b) told, lived c) said, lived 7 Most of the citizens of Ukraine wanted (Zelensky to become) President. a) Zelensky, to become b) Zelensky, become 8 We could see (she, to walk) up and down the picture gallery. a) her, to walk b) her, walking 9 They suddenly saw (he, to fall) down into the river. a) him, to fall b) he, falling c) him, fall 10 I could not read the names of some of the cities ____ on the map. a) showing b) shown c) show 11 The channel ___ Great Britain from the continent is called the English Channel. a) separating b) separated c) separate 12 What is this part of the country___? a) calling b) call c) called 13 She often ___ with her granny. a) stay b) stays c) staying 14 Peter ___ straight on for then minutes and then ___ off the road. a) drove, turned b) drive, turn c) is driving, is turning 15 Thank you very much; I ___ forget your kindness. a) do not b) was not c) will not 16 I don’t understand him, he ___ too fast. a) talk b) is talking c) talked 17 As I ___ down the road I saw Irene. a) walk b) am walking c) was walking 18 Tom ___ with his mother during the Second World War. a) lived b) was living c) is living 19 John ___ in the library from 5 till 7 tomorrow. a) will study b) studying c) will be studying 20 At this time tomorrow I ___ on a beach. a) will lie b) will be lying c) will lying 21 They ___ already ___ the job. a) have, finished b) has, finished c) have, finish 22 Where ___ he ___? a) have go b) has went c) has gone

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

1 My friend said, “Do you live in this house?”
My friend ________ if I ________ in ________ house.
a) told, lived, that
b) said, live, this
2 The doctor said to Nick, “Open your mouth.”
The doctor ________ Nick ________ ________ mouth.
a) said, to open, his
b) asked, open, your
3 She said to Boris, “What will you do tomorrow?”
She ________ Boris what ________ ________ do ________.
a) asked, you, will, tomorrow
b) asked, he, would, the next day
next day
4 “You have done your work well,” the teacher said to me.
The teacher ________ me that ________ ________ ________ work well.
a) told, I, have done, my
b) told, I, had done, my
5 Jane said, “I bought this house in 2013.”
Jane ________ that ________ ________ ________ house in 2013
a) told, she, had bought, that
b) said, she, bought, that
6 The teacher said to the pupils, “The duckbill lives only in Australia”.
The teacher ________ the pupils that the duckbill ________ only in Australia.
a) told, lives
b) told, lived
c) said, lived
7 Most of the citizens of Ukraine wanted (Zelensky to become) President.
a) Zelensky, to become
b) Zelensky, become
8 We could see (she, to walk) up and down the picture gallery.
a) her, to walk
b) her, walking
9 They suddenly saw (he, to fall) down into the river.
a) him, to fall
b) he, falling
c) him, fall
10 I could not read the names of some of the cities ____ on the map.
a) showing
b) shown
c) show
11 The channel ___ Great Britain from the continent is called the English Channel.
a) separating
b) separated
c) separate
12 What is this part of the country___?
a) calling
b) call
c) called
13 She often ___ with her granny.
a) stay
b) stays
c) staying
14 Peter ___ straight on for then minutes and then ___ off the road.
a) drove, turned
b) drive, turn
c) is driving, is turning
15 Thank you very much; I ___ forget your kindness.
a) do not
b) was not
c) will not
16 I don’t understand him, he ___ too fast.
a) talk
b) is talking
c) talked
17 As I ___ down the road I saw Irene.
a) walk
b) am walking
c) was walking
18 Tom ___ with his mother during the Second World War.
a) lived
b) was living
c) is living
19 John ___ in the library from 5 till 7 tomorrow.
a) will study
b) studying
c) will be studying
20 At this time tomorrow I ___ on a beach.
a) will lie
b) will be lying
c) will lying
21 They ___ already ___ the job.
a) have, finished
b) has, finished
c) have, finish
22 Where ___ he ___?
a) have go
b) has went
c) has gone

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