Задача 1. Numbers Audition The numbers hidden in the following sentences may be heard but not seen. That is, the sound or pronunciation of the number is present, but not the spelling. Write the number as it is shown in the example: Ex. We found Janet well versed on the subject. (twelve) John is now working as a tutor of English. He answered before I could even finish the question. Mary ate the whole pizza all by herself! We all breathed a sigh of relief when our team finally won the game. Even I know better than that!

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Задача 1. Numbers Audition The numbers hidden in the following sentences may be heard but not seen. That is, the sound or pronunciation of the number is present, but not the spelling. Write the number as it is shown in the example: Ex. We found Janet well versed on the subject. (twelve) John is now working as a tutor of English. He answered before I could even finish the question. Mary ate the whole pizza all by herself! We all breathed a sigh of relief when our team finally won the game. Even I know better than that!

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

John is now working as a tutor of English. — two  


He answered before I could even finish the question. –four


Mary ate the whole pizza all by herself! – eight


We all breathed a sigh of relief when our team finally won the game. — one


 Even I know better than that! – nine


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