ПОСТАВЬ В Past Simple 1) He doesn’t like milk. 2)Tom lives in London. 3)Do you play the piano? 4)They whath TV. 5) I eat fish for breakfast. 6) I do homework in the evening. 7) Fred makes car. 8) I am in the park. 9) He takes books from the library Прошу

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

ПОСТАВЬ В Past Simple 1) He doesn’t like milk. 2)Tom lives in London. 3)Do you play the piano? 4)They whath TV. 5) I eat fish for breakfast. 6) I do homework in the evening. 7) Fred makes car. 8) I am in the park. 9) He takes books from the library

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

He didn’t like milk.

Tom lived in London.

Did you play the piano?

Did they watch TV?

I ate fish for a breakfast.

I did do homework in the evening.

Fred made car.

I was in park.

He took a book from the library.

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