9. Complete the sentences with terms. pixel, icons, images, shading, designer, interface, palette, graphs 1. Graphic ……. let us visualize the effects of the PCs processor on our work. 2. A good user …….often uses windows, pop-up menus and graphics to make communication with machines easier. 3. The total number of colours available is called the colour ………….. 4. Business people present information visually in …………. , and diagrams. 5. Rendering techniques are used to make the image look realistic. They include…………………, light sources and reflections. 6. Each dot on the screen is called a picture element or ……………. 7. We use visual symbols or …………………..to represent objects or tasks. 8. A web page …………….. uses pictures, image maps and animation to make pages more effective.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

9. Complete the sentences with terms.

pixel, icons, images, shading, designer, interface, palette, graphs

1. Graphic ……. let us visualize the effects of the PCs processor on our work.
2. A good user …….often uses windows, pop-up menus and graphics to make communication with machines easier.
3. The total number of colours available is called the colour …………..
4. Business people present information visually in …………. , and diagrams.
5. Rendering techniques are used to make the image look realistic. They include…………………, light sources and reflections.
6. Each dot on the screen is called a picture element or …………….
7. We use visual symbols or …………………..to represent objects or tasks.
8. A web page …………….. uses pictures, image maps and animation to make pages more effective.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. interface

2. designer

3. palette

4. graphs

5. shading

6. pixel

7. icons

8. images


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