81 БАЛ!!!!!!! Form the Passive Перетворити дієслова у пасивний стан: A new hat has been just bought by Sam. 1. Sam has just bought a new hat. 2. Sam and his friends will probably play many games tomorrow. 3. They made many plans at the party. 4. Jill feeds the little dogs.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

81 БАЛ!!!!!!!
Form the Passive Перетворити дієслова у пасивний стан: A new hat has
been just bought by Sam.
1. Sam has just bought a new hat.
2. Sam and his friends will probably play many games tomorrow.
3. They made many plans at the party.
4. Jill feeds the little dogs.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


  1. A new hat has  just been bought by Sam.
  2. Many games will probably be played by Sam and his friends tommorow
  3. Many plans are made by them at the party
  4. Little dogs are fed by Jill

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