8.3. Заполните пропуски словами somebody, something, anybody, anything, nobody, nothing.
1. ……………………….
got into our dacha again! 2. ………………………… worries
him. 3. ……………………….
will stop me! ……………………..
must be done. 4. We
saw ………………………..
at the door. 5. Does ……………………….
know his name?
6. Is ………………….
in? 7. It’s dark here. I can’t see ………………….
. 8. He
was silent. He had ………………….

to say. 9. There was …………………….
the box. It was empty. 10. — Did you say
? — No, I
didn’t say ……………………..
11. My life is dull ………………….
ever happens.
12. If you need …………………….

, just tell me. 13. I am hungry. I want
…………………. to eat. 14. I’m not thirsty. I don’t want
…………………. to
drink. 15. —
…………………… in my
eye. —
No, there is
…………………. in it.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

8.3. Заполните пропуски словами somebody, something, anybody, anything, nobody, nothing.
1. ……………………….
got into our dacha again! 2. ………………………… worries
him. 3. ……………………….
will stop me! ……………………..
must be done. 4. We
saw ………………………..
at the door. 5. Does ……………………….
know his name?
6. Is ………………….
in? 7. It’s dark here. I can’t see ………………….
. 8. He
was silent. He had ………………….

to say. 9. There was …………………….
the box. It was empty. 10. — Did you say
? — No, I
didn’t say ……………………..
11. My life is dull ………………….
ever happens.
12. If you need …………………….

, just tell me. 13. I am hungry. I want
…………………. to eat. 14. I’m not thirsty. I don’t want
…………………. to
drink. 15. —
…………………… in my
eye. —
No, there is
…………………. in it.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. somebody

2. nothing (но можно и something, здесь не ясно из контекста)

3. Nobody. Something.

4. somebody

5. anybody

6. anybody

7. anything

8. nothing

9. nothing

10. anything, anything

11 nothing

12. something

13. something

14. anything

15. something, nothing

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