6ACTIVATE Follow the steps in the writing guide.Notes-Londona Location: south of England, on the RiverThamesb Population: 45,000 two thousand years ago,about 7.5 million nowc Historical events: Fire destroyed the city in the1600s. Christopher Wren designed new areasand the city grew to the west.d London was a major port. Now finance andtechnology are more importantO WRITING GUIDEA TASKWrite an article about a town of your choice oruse the notes about London.B THINK AND PLANRead the model text again. How manyparagraphs are there?Read the notes a-f about London. Whatinformation do you want to put in eachparagraph of your article?Paragraph 1: a, …C WRITEWrite your article and follow your paragraphplan. Look at the model text to help you. Usethe key phrases and time expressions.D CHECKposition and spelling of the time expressions пжжж даю 10 балов умаляю кто быстрее ​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

ACTIVATE Follow the steps in the writing guide.
a Location: south of England, on the River
b Population: 45,000 two thousand years ago,
about 7.5 million now
c Historical events: Fire destroyed the city in the
1600s. Christopher Wren designed new areas
and the city grew to the west.
d London was a major port. Now finance and
technology are more important
Write an article about a town of your choice or
use the notes about London.
Read the model text again. How many
paragraphs are there?
Read the notes a-f about London. What
information do you want to put in each
paragraph of your article?
Paragraph 1: a, …
Write your article and follow your paragraph
plan. Look at the model text to help you. Use
the key phrases and time expressions.
position and spelling of the time expressions пжжж даю 10 балов умаляю кто быстрее ​

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


As everyone knows London is the capital of Great Britain. It is situated on both banks of the River Thames, and it is the largest city in Britain and one of the largest in the world. Also population was 45000 two thousand years ago.

About 7 millions people live there. It draws people all over the world. Some come for holidays, some come for business or studying, but having seen London once, you fall in love with it forever.London’s location-south of England,on the River Thames.

These are some of the historical moments.In the 1600s Fire destroyed the city.It was tragedic and dangerous situation.But also Christopher Wren designed new areas and the city grew to the west!

London was a major port. Now finance and

technology are more important and It’s impossible to describe all places of interest and the best way to know London is to visit it,because it is very wonderful place.

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