6A Topsy Turvy Day2 Write where you can hear this.1 A loaf of bread, please?In the2 We need a room for two nights.At the3 Have you got The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?At the4 The engine of my car makes a funny noise.At the5 Please help! I was robbed!At the6 In this room you can see how people lived in 1781. At the7 We must operate quickly!At the8 I need some eggs, some flour and some milk.At the.. Помогите пожалуйста! Срочно! ​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

A Topsy Turvy Day
2 Write where you can hear this.
1 A loaf of bread, please?
In the
2 We need a room for two nights.
At the
3 Have you got The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?
At the
4 The engine of my car makes a funny noise.
At the
5 Please help! I was robbed!
At the
6 In this room you can see how people lived in 1781. At the
7 We must operate quickly!
At the
8 I need some eggs, some flour and some milk.
At the..

Помогите пожалуйста! Срочно! ​

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1) In the shop

2) At the hotel

3) In the library

4) At the garage

5) At the police

6) At the museum

7) At the cave

8) At the shop

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