6.4. Complete the sentences. All of them are negative. Use don’t/doesn’t + one of these verbs: cost go know read see use wear
1. I buy a newspaper every day but sometimes I don’t read it.
2. Paul has a car but he………it very often.
3. They like films but they………to the cinema very often.
4. Amanda is married but she………a ring.
5. I………much about politics. I’m not interested in it.
6. It’s not an expensive hotel It………much to stay there.
7. Brian lives near us but we………him very often.

6.5. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative.
1. Margaret speaks four languages -English. French, German and Spanish. (speak)
2. I don’t like my job. Its very boring. (like)
3. ‘Where’s Martin?’ Tm sorry. I………’ (know)
4. Sue is a very quiet person. She………very much. (talk)
5. Jim………a lot of tea. It’s his favourite drink. (drink)
6. It’s not true! I………it! (believe)
7. That’s a very beautiful picture. I………it very much. (like)
8. Mark is a vegetarian. He………meat. (eat)

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

6.4. Complete the sentences. All of them are negative. Use don’t/doesn’t + one of these verbs: cost go know read see use wear
1. I buy a newspaper every day but sometimes I don’t read it.
2. Paul has a car but he………it very often.
3. They like films but they………to the cinema very often.
4. Amanda is married but she………a ring.
5. I………much about politics. I’m not interested in it.
6. It’s not an expensive hotel It………much to stay there.
7. Brian lives near us but we………him very often.

6.5. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative.
1. Margaret speaks four languages -English. French, German and Spanish. (speak)
2. I don’t like my job. Its very boring. (like)
3. ‘Where’s Martin?’ Tm sorry. I………’ (know)
4. Sue is a very quiet person. She………very much. (talk)
5. Jim………a lot of tea. It’s his favourite drink. (drink)
6. It’s not true! I………it! (believe)
7. That’s a very beautiful picture. I………it very much. (like)
8. Mark is a vegetarian. He………meat. (eat)

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1-ое задание:

1) Don’t read

2) Doesn’t use

3) Don’t go

4) Doesn’t wear

5) Don’t know

6) Doesn’t cost

7) Don’t see

2-ое задание:

1) и 2) ты поставила.

3) Don’t know

4) Doesn’t talk

5) Drinks

6) Don’t believe

7) Like

8) Doesn’t eat meat.

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