5 Write questions with will then answer themfor you.1 When / your lesson finish?2 Who / you see after school?3 What / you watch on the TV this evening?4 What / you eat for supper tonight?​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

5 Write questions with will then answer them
for you.
1 When / your lesson finish?
2 Who / you see after school?
3 What / you watch on the TV this evening?
4 What / you eat for supper tonight?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. When will your lesson finish ?

My lesson will finish in an hour

2. Who will you see after school?

I will see my friends and my parents after school

3. What will you watch on the tv this evening?

I will watch on the tv my favorite programs this evening

4. What will you eat for supper tonight?

I will eat my favorite fried chicken with vegetables.

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