25. You …have to feed the cat. Kate did it an hour ago. A.can’t B. mustn’t C. don’t 26. … you at the cinema last Sunday? A.was B. were C. are 27. You …lie to your parents. A.must B. mustn’t C. need 28. Terry …to Spain yesterday. A.go B. goes C. went 29. …you out yesterday? A.did B.was C.were 30. How …apples have you got? A.much B.many C. any 31. What are you …do this summer? A.going B. to do C. going to 32. We are starving! I think we … a pizza. A.will order B. order C. ordered 33. There … some milk in the glass. A.are B. is C. aren’t

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

25. You …have to feed the cat. Kate did it an hour ago.
A.can’t B. mustn’t C. don’t
26. … you at the cinema last Sunday?
A.was B. were C. are
27. You …lie to your parents.
A.must B. mustn’t C. need
28. Terry …to Spain yesterday.

A.go B. goes C. went
29. …you out yesterday?
A.did B.was C.were
30. How …apples have you got?
A.much B.many C. any
31. What are you …do this summer?
A.going B. to do C. going to
32. We are starving! I think we … a pizza.
A.will order B. order C. ordered
33. There … some milk in the glass.
A.are B. is C. aren’t

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


26. Were


28. Went

29. Were

30. Many

31. Going to

32. Will order.

33. Is

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