2. Underline the correct modals verb SHOULD / CAN / MUST / HAVE TO / MAY 1. Parents CAN ‘T/DON’T HAVE TO park their cars in front of the school gates. 2. You MAY/HAVE TO ask for permission to leave the classroom. 3. CAN/ SHOULD I help you?» the shop assistant asked. 4. She HAVE TO/MAY come to us whenever she likes. 5. They CAN/ MUST skate at the fixed time. 6. When you are ill, you MUST/SHOULD follow doctor’s advice.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

2. Underline the correct modals verb SHOULD / CAN / MUST / HAVE TO / MAY

1. Parents CAN ‘T/DON’T HAVE TO park their cars in front of the school gates.
2. You MAY/HAVE TO ask for permission to leave the classroom.
3. CAN/ SHOULD I help you?» the shop assistant asked.
4. She HAVE TO/MAY come to us whenever she likes.
5. They CAN/ MUST skate at the fixed time.
6. When you are ill, you MUST/SHOULD follow doctor’s advice.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. Don’t have to

2. Have to

3. Can

4. May

5. Can

6. Should

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