2. Task. Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs: look after, wipe up, carry on, end up, set up, find out, sign up, join in.1. If we continue to pollute the land, we’ll __________ a lot of plants and animals. 2._____________doing your homework – you have to finish it tonight. 3. I’m going to ______________ more information.​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

2. Task. Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs: look after, wipe up, carry on, end up, set up, find out, sign up, join in.

1. If we continue to pollute the land, we’ll __________ a lot of plants and animals.

2._____________doing your homework – you have to finish it tonight.

3. I’m going to ______________ more information.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык



1/wipe up

2/carry on

3/ find out

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