2. Read and fill in What, When, Where, Why, Who. Then match the questions to the answers. 1) … is Pam going to go this summer? 2) … is Pam going there? 3) … is Pam going to travel? 4) … is Pam going to do? 5) … is Pam going to go with? a) by plane b) to Turkey c) with her Mum and Dad d) in May e) go swimming

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

2. Read and fill in What, When, Where, Why, Who. Then match the questions to the answers.

1) … is Pam going to go this summer?

2) … is Pam going there?

3) … is Pam going to travel?

4) … is Pam going to do?

5) … is Pam going to go with?

a) by plane
b) to Turkey
c) with her Mum and Dad
d) in May
e) go swimming

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1 — Where ( e )

2-Why (a )

. 3-Where ( b )

4 — What ( do )

5-Who ( c )

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