2. Mark the correct question-tag. 1.She prepared lunch herself, …? a) doesn’t she b) isn’t she c) was she d) didn’t she 2. The children decorated the room very beautifully, … ? a) didn’t they b) don’t you c) wasn’t they d) was they 3. You don’t know the task, … ? a) don’t you b) do you c) have you d) are you 4. The birds fly to the south, … ? a) do they b) don’t they c) have they d) are they 5.Our film opens the festival programme,…? a)isn’t it b) is it c) don’t it d)doesn’t it 6. We’ve seen some interesting works at the exhibition, …? a) did we b) don’t we c) haven’t we d) have we 7. The weather is changeable in May, …? a) is it b) doesn’t it c) don’t it d) isn’t it 8. He wasn’t good at maths at school, …? a) didn’t he b)was he c) wasn’t he d) does he 3. Use the Past Simple or the Present Perfect in the sentence. She … her holidays in France last year. Has spent b) spend c) spent d) have spent Pete … a poem already. To learn b) learnt c) have learnt d) has learnt Nanny … last Saturday. She had a day off. Haven’t come b) hasn’t come c) didn’t come d) came not … Laura … her painting? Have … finished b) Has …finished c) Did…finished d) was…finishing 5. Yesterday I … Morgan. a) to see b) saw c) see d) have seen Grandpa … two apple trees already. a) to plant b) plant c) planted d) has planted Mary … eighteen hours last Monday. a)did sleep b) have slept c) slept d) slept not … the train … already? Have …leaved b) Has left c) Did left d) Did leave

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

2. Mark the correct question-tag.
1.She prepared lunch herself, …?
a) doesn’t she b) isn’t she c) was she d) didn’t she
2. The children decorated the room very beautifully, … ?
a) didn’t they b) don’t you c) wasn’t they d) was they
3. You don’t know the task, … ?
a) don’t you b) do you c) have you d) are you
4. The birds fly to the south, … ?
a) do they b) don’t they c) have they d) are they
5.Our film opens the festival programme,…?
a)isn’t it b) is it c) don’t it d)doesn’t it
6. We’ve seen some interesting works at the exhibition, …?
a) did we b) don’t we c) haven’t we d) have we
7. The weather is changeable in May, …?
a) is it b) doesn’t it c) don’t it d) isn’t it
8. He wasn’t good at maths at school, …?
a) didn’t he b)was he c) wasn’t he d) does he
3. Use the Past Simple or the Present Perfect in the sentence.
She … her holidays in France last year.
Has spent b) spend c) spent d) have spent
Pete … a poem already.
To learn b) learnt c) have learnt d) has learnt
Nanny … last Saturday. She had a day off.
Haven’t come b) hasn’t come c) didn’t come d) came not
… Laura … her painting?
Have … finished b) Has …finished c) Did…finished d) was…finishing
5. Yesterday I … Morgan.
a) to see b) saw c) see d) have seen
Grandpa … two apple trees already.
a) to plant b) plant c) planted d) has planted
Mary … eighteen hours last Monday.
a)did sleep b) have slept c) slept d) slept not
… the train … already?
Have …leaved b) Has left c) Did left d) Did leave

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык













5.1) b





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