2. Complete the sentences using the Past Simple. 1 Where …..(she, go) last monday? 2. They …..(not, watch) TV, they did their homework. 3. We …..(see) a new film last weekend. 4. My parents …..(call) me an hour ago. ПЖ ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО!!!

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

2. Complete the sentences using the Past Simple.
1 Where …..(she, go) last monday?
2. They …..(not, watch) TV, they did their homework.
3. We …..(see) a new film last weekend.
4. My parents …..(call) me an hour ago.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. did she go

2. didn’t watch

3. saw

4. called

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