2. Прилагательное в скобках употребите в нужной степени.
Пример: Physics is (interesting) than Chemistry.
Physics is more interesting than Chemistry.
1. Health is (important) wealth.
2. Blood is (thick) than water.
3. Construction is (dangerous) land-based work in the world.
4. This is (interesting) article I have ever read.
5. Hydroelectric power is (cheap) than both nuclear and wind power.
6. The planet Mars is (far) from the earth than the satellite Moon.
7. (Hard) work in mines is now performed by robots.
8. An ocean is certainly (big) sea.
9. (Old) dam in Spain has been in use for almost two millenia

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. more important

2. thicker

3. most dangerous

4. more interesting


6. farer

7. harder

8. biggest

9. Older

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