15 Put the words under the following headings: Natural Disasters, Man-made Disasters, Harmful Products & Pollutants. Flood, aerosole, hurricane, greenhouse gases, inorganic (synthetic) fertilizer, spill, earthquake, noise pollution, tornado, global warming, volcanic eruption, oil pesticide, tsunami, nuclear radiation contamination

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

15 Put the words under the following headings: Natural Disasters, Man-made Disasters, Harmful Products & Pollutants. Flood, aerosole, hurricane, greenhouse gases, inorganic (synthetic) fertilizer, spill, earthquake, noise pollution, tornado, global warming, volcanic eruption, oil pesticide, tsunami, nuclear radiation contamination

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Natural Disasters-flood,hurricane,earthquake,tornado,volcanic eruption,tsunami
Man-made Disasters- noise pollution,glibal warming,spill,nuclear radiation,contamination,greenhouse gases
Harmful Products & Pollutants- aerosole,inorganic fertilizer,oil pesticide

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