11. Li also persuaded four banks’ including HSBC Holding, … him $11 billion, a record in Hong Kong. 1) to lend 2) lending 3) to have been lending 4) being lent 12. If you are 65, you … a pension of $400,000 per year. 1) got 2) don’t get 3) will get 4) gets 13. If someone … me a better job, I will think about seriously. 1) offers 2) will offer 3) offering 4) offer 14. Making products or … services of good quality should be important for every company. 1) provide 2) having provided 3) providing 4) being provided 15. He is the only person here who … analyze the situation properly. 1) have to 2) can 3) might 4) are to 16. Banking, insurance and tourism … important to the country’s economy. 1) are 2) to be 3) is 4) was 17. Most working people … to pay about a third of their income to the government. 1) must 2) have 3) should 4) has 18. Businesses should … all their customers fairly in all aspects of their business transactions. 1) to treat 2) treating 3) treat 4) treats 19. She … Economics at university and is now an economist with a big international company. 1) study 2) will study 3) studied 4) to study 20. The banks … at 7 o’clock in the evening. 1) closes 2) close 3) is closed 4) is closing 21. If the meeting … late, I will spend the night in London. 1) will finish 2) finish 3) finishes 4) would finish 22. If we opened an office in Tokyo I … in working there. 1) would be interested 2) will be interested 3) am interested 4) is interested 23. If I … harder when I was at school, I could have had a better job. 1) wouldhaveworked 2) hadworked 3) worked 4) work 24. If I … the Prime Minister, I would raise taxes and spend more money on education. 1) am 2) were 3) will be 4) was 25. I appreciate … the raise. 1) to have 2) having 3) have 4) has

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

11. Li also persuaded four banks’ including HSBC Holding, … him $11 billion, a record in Hong Kong.
1) to lend
2) lending
3) to have been lending
4) being lent
12. If you are 65, you … a pension of $400,000 per year.
1) got
2) don’t get
3) will get
4) gets
13. If someone … me a better job, I will think about seriously.
1) offers
2) will offer
3) offering
4) offer
14. Making products or … services of good quality should be important for every company.
1) provide
2) having provided
3) providing
4) being provided
15. He is the only person here who … analyze the situation properly.
1) have to
2) can
3) might
4) are to
16. Banking, insurance and tourism … important to the country’s economy.
1) are
2) to be
3) is
4) was
17. Most working people … to pay about a third of their income to the government.
1) must
2) have
3) should
4) has
18. Businesses should … all their customers fairly in all aspects of their business transactions.
1) to treat
2) treating
3) treat
4) treats
19. She … Economics at university and is now an economist with a big international company.
1) study
2) will study
3) studied
4) to study
20. The banks … at 7 o’clock in the evening.
1) closes
2) close
3) is closed
4) is closing
21. If the meeting … late, I will spend the night in London.
1) will finish
2) finish
3) finishes
4) would finish
22. If we opened an office in Tokyo I … in working there.
1) would be interested
2) will be interested
3) am interested
4) is interested
23. If I … harder when I was at school, I could have had a better job.
1) wouldhaveworked
2) hadworked
3) worked
4) work
24. If I … the Prime Minister, I would raise taxes and spend more money on education.
1) am
2) were
3) will be
4) was
25. I appreciate … the raise.
1) to have
2) having
3) have
4) has

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