10.5.2 Fill in: biosphere, fertility, venture, relyon, motivation, prior, technique, hypothesis,free radicals.1 The large Hadron Collider was invented to testthe ………….. of the Big Bang Theory.2 Telomerase is an enzyme that can increase the………….. of mice.3 Some scientists believe in the existence ofanother universe …… ………… to this one.4 Some scientists believe ……………… damageour cells and cause aging.5 Researchers are developing afor the early detection of Alzheimer’s disease.6 The first creatures to ……… ………… ontoland from the sea did so about 500 millionyears ago7 Many people like the idea of exercise, but lack………… to actually do any.8 All life on Earth exists in the …..9 Math skills …. ……….. logic as wellas language to represent large numbers.the​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

10.5.2 Fill in: biosphere, fertility, venture, rely
on, motivation, prior, technique, hypothesis,
free radicals.
1 The large Hadron Collider was invented to test
the ………….. of the Big Bang Theory.
2 Telomerase is an enzyme that can increase the
………….. of mice.
3 Some scientists believe in the existence of
another universe …… ………… to this one.
4 Some scientists believe ……………… damage
our cells and cause aging.
5 Researchers are developing a
for the early detection of Alzheimer’s disease.
6 The first creatures to ……… ………… onto
land from the sea did so about 500 million
years ago
7 Many people like the idea of exercise, but lack
………… to actually do any.
8 All life on Earth exists in the …..
9 Math skills …. ……….. logic as well
as language to represent large numbers.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1 hypothesis


3 prior

4free radicals

5 technique

6 venture

7 motivation

8 biosphere

9 rely on


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