1. There’s some farmland / lake near the village. 2. Let’s walk up the hill / island. 3. The coast / valley was very wide. 4. How deep is the hill / lake? 5. Which is the longest mountain / river in your country? 6. There was a fire in that forest / river last year. 7. There isn’t a village on the island / sea. 8. Are there many landmarks / volcanoes in Great Britain?​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

1. There’s some farmland / lake near the village. 2. Let’s walk up the hill / island. 3. The coast / valley was very wide. 4. How deep is the hill / lake? 5. Which is the longest mountain / river in your country? 6. There was a fire in that forest / river last year. 7. There isn’t a village on the island / sea. 8. Are there many landmarks / volcanoes in Great Britain?​

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. farmland

2. hill

3. valley

4. lake

5. river

6. forest

7. island

8. volcanoes


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