1. There are …. students in our college 2. We are hungry! – It’s a problem! – There is….food. 3. There is….meat in the fridge. It’s not enough for the salad. 4. There are…people in the park. Today is so wonderful, sunny day! 5. There isn’t ….snow in the yard. 6. There is …water in the bottle. It’s not enough for all of us. 7. This disc has …good songs. I want to buy it. 8. My older brother likes to go to the college. There are…. new friends there 9. There is …furniture in my parents’ bedroom: a bed, built-in wardrobe and

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

1. There are …. students in our college

2. We are hungry! – It’s a problem! – There is….food.

3. There is….meat in the fridge. It’s not enough for the salad.

4. There are…people in the park. Today is so wonderful, sunny day!

5. There isn’t ….snow in the yard.

6. There is …water in the bottle. It’s not enough for all of us.

7. This disc has …good songs. I want to buy it.

8. My older brother likes to go to the college. There are…. new friends there

9. There is …furniture in my parents’ bedroom: a bed, built-in wardrobe and

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык



•a little



•a little bit of




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