1) Nylon … since 1938 and today it… in many things.A) has been produced; is being foundB) has produced; is foundC) has been produced; is foundD) has been produced; has been found2) Wait for a while. He … now.A) is being interviewed C) has been interviewedB) is interviewed D) will be interviewed3) She … about the results of the research as soon as it……….A) will have been informed; is finishedB) will be informed; will be finishedC) will be informed; is finishedD) will have been informed; will have been finished4) The Houses of Parliament … between 1849 and 1857.A) were being built C) were builtB) was built D) had been built5) Acid rain … by burning coal or oilA) is caused C) has been causedB) is being caused D) has caused6) Boss says I…… a pay-rise.A) was giving C) will givenB) will be given D) was be given7) Two million books ….. to America every year.A) are being sent C) were being sentB) will send D) are sent8) The students of our Institute…… every opportunity to master the language.A) give C) had been givenB) was being given D) are given9) The room…… for a month.A) hasn’t lived in C) has not been lived inB) is not lived in D) is not being lived in10) By the time she comes, the problem………A) will have discussed C) will have been discussedB) will being discussed D) will be discussed​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

1) Nylon … since 1938 and today it… in many things.

A) has been produced; is being found

B) has produced; is found

C) has been produced; is found

D) has been produced; has been found

2) Wait for a while. He … now.

A) is being interviewed C) has been interviewed

B) is interviewed D) will be interviewed

3) She … about the results of the research as soon as it……….

A) will have been informed; is finished

B) will be informed; will be finished

C) will be informed; is finished

D) will have been informed; will have been finished

4) The Houses of Parliament … between 1849 and 1857.

A) were being built C) were built

B) was built D) had been built

5) Acid rain … by burning coal or oil

A) is caused C) has been caused

B) is being caused D) has caused

6) Boss says I…… a pay-rise.

A) was giving C) will given

B) will be given D) was be given

7) Two million books ….. to America every year.

A) are being sent C) were being sent

B) will send D) are sent

8) The students of our Institute…… every opportunity to master the language.

A) give C) had been given

B) was being given D) are given

9) The room…… for a month.

A) hasn’t lived in C) has not been lived in

B) is not lived in D) is not being lived in

10) By the time she comes, the problem………

A) will have discussed C) will have been discussed

B) will being discussed D) will be discussed

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