1) I always … to arrive everywhere on time.
a) Were trying b) has tried c) try d) are trying e)tries.
2) There … several beautiful parks in this city.
a) been b) are c) is d) was e ) be
3) … is made of milk and sugar.
a) ice cream b) a ice cream c) the ice cream d) an ice cream e ) ice creams

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

1) I always … to arrive everywhere on time.
a) Were trying b) has tried c) try d) are trying e)tries.
2) There … several beautiful parks in this city.
a) been b) are c) is d) was e ) be
3) … is made of milk and sugar.
a) ice cream b) a ice cream c) the ice cream d) an ice cream e ) ice creams

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1) present simple так как always .

2)конструкция there is there are

3) речь идет не про конкретное мооженное, а вообще про мороженное в целом.




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