1. Football team composed of 11 players 2. Players are allowed to use only legs 3. tries to score as many goals as they can 4. However, football wasn’t famous until mid 5. about 30 inches in diameter 6. The equipment used in the game 7. The very first ball that was used was 8. The basketball ball was slightly smallera.During the match every team b. goalkeeper, backs, half-backs and forwards d. during the game c. The basketball ball was slightly smaller e. 1900s. g. is also very simple f. about 30 inches in diameter h. were two peach baskets hung​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

1. Football team composed of 11 players 2. Players are allowed to use only legs 3. tries to score as many goals as they can 4. However, football wasn’t famous until mid 5. about 30 inches in diameter 6. The equipment used in the game 7. The very first ball that was used was 8. The basketball ball was slightly smaller

a.During the match every team
b. goalkeeper, backs, half-backs and forwards
d. during the game
c. The basketball ball was slightly smaller
e. 1900s.
g. is also very simple
f. about 30 inches in diameter
h. were two peach baskets hung​

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