1-Economists like to make theories. a)they b)she c)hr2-The government puts higher taxes on petrol a)you b)it c)they 3-In some parts of Africa the traditional economy still exists. a)it b)he c)you4-People consumer almost everything they produce. a)he b)it c)they 5-In the traditional economy men are hunters & farmers a) I. b) they. c) the6-Microeconomics looks at how the details of the economy work. a) it. b) you. c) they7-Some shops won’t accept credit cards. a) they. b) it. c) we8-Inflation can happen for a number of reasons. a) they b) it. c) you

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

1-Economists like to make theories. a)they b)she c)hr
2-The government puts higher taxes on petrol a)you b)it c)they
3-In some parts of Africa the traditional economy still exists. a)it b)he c)you
4-People consumer almost everything they produce. a)he b)it c)they
5-In the traditional economy men are hunters & farmers a) I. b) they. c) the
6-Microeconomics looks at how the details of the economy work. a) it. b) you. c) they
7-Some shops won’t accept credit cards. a) they. b) it. c) we
8-Inflation can happen for a number of reasons. a) they b) it. c) you

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1 a

2 b

3 a

4 c

5 b

6 a

7 a

8 b

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